Terms and Conditions

The following page is our official terms of use which are valid for anybody using the official Immediate Momentum website.

Scope of Our Terms of Use

Ownership of this website falls under the jurisdiction of the Immediate Momentum. The following page presents our official Terms of Use which are valid for anybody using the official Immediate Momentum website in any way, shape or form. By using our website and subsites, you hereby agree to adhere to the following terms of use.


All first-person pronouns used in this document refer to Immediate Momentum. Similarly, second-person pronouns are used to denote the site user.


Your access to our services depends on your consent to the Terms of Use presented here. All site users and Immediate Momentum clients must agree to abide by the Terms stipulated here without exception. The continued use of our website means you are giving us your informed consent to these Terms. If you disagree with any part of this Agreement, you must stop using our website immediately.

Age Requirements

All Immediate Momentum users must be of legal age to qualify for the services we offer. If you are underage in your country of residence, you must discontinue using Immediate Momentum.

Last updated: August 24, 2023

Risk Disclaimer

All of the content featured on the Immediate Momentum website is for information purposes only and is by no means to be taken as financial advice. The Immediate Momentum website is not a crypto seller, financial advisor, or cryptocurrency market expert. As a result, we are not responsible in any way for any loss of funds that may result from trading on the cryptocurrency market.

Due to the fast-paced and volatile nature of the crypto industry, we cannot guarantee that the content on Immediate Momentum is accurate, up-to-date, or precise. Always remember that trading on the cryptocurrency market is risky and losing your entire investment is not uncommon.

As a result, trading decentralised digital assets is not going to be suitable for all types of investors. So it is worth considering seeking the advice of licensed, reliable, and trustworthy financial advisors before deciding to invest your money. Then, if you decide to proceed, weigh up your tolerance to risk, plan out your trading goals and assert your limits. Never invest more than you can afford to lose in cryptocurrency.

Also, keep in mind that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has banned the promotion of crypto CFDs in the United Kingdom, according to PS20/10. Other countries may have similar restrictions enforced. Always check the current financial regulations surrounding cryptocurrency where you live, as laws and regulations can differ by country/territory. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure they can legally use Immediate Momentum before engaging our services.

Disclaimer of Affiliate Programs Used by Immediate Momentum

From time to time, the Immediate Momentum website may use affiliate links to third-party products that we think might be of use to you. When a user of our site clicks on one of these affiliate links, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to the user.

However, you should know that we are not responsible for the positive and negative trading results that stem from your use of the third-party trading platforms found through our affiliate links. We may benefit regardless of whether your trading is profitable or not through your use of such affiliate links.

Utilisation of the Internet

When it comes to the content, articles, and multimedia published on the Immediate Momentum website, we make every effort we can in order to ensure that our content is as valuable for our users as it can be. However, by its very nature, the cryptocurrency market is erratic, volatile, and incredibly unpredictable. As a result, we cannot guarantee that the massive range of information on our website is up-to-date, accurate, or 100% reliable at the time when you encounter it.

In addition, we do not guarantee that the Immediate Momentum Website will be unaffected by service outages or backend errors. We reserve the right to implement site updates at short notice, which may involve the temporary outage of the site’s services. In emergencies, we may even carry out maintenance without any prior notice to our clients.

Any third-party links featured on the Immediate Momentum website are explored at your own risk. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or relevancy of the content featured on third-party websites we link out to.

Protected Intellectual Property Privileges

Across the Immediate Momentum website, we feature a vast range of articles, images, infographics, and other content. It should be assumed that Immediate Momentum is either the sole owner of this content or, at the very least, has obtained the right to republish and use it. Therefore, Immediate Momentum does not give our consent for others to use, copy, or republish our content either in exchange for compensation or otherwise unless you have received express permission from Immediate Momentum to do so.

All of the content featured on the Immediate Momentum website can only be downloaded for individual use.

Exclusion of Obligation

In the unlikely event that any potential issues arise from the use of Immediate Momentum, we are required to declare an exclusion of obligation. By ‘potential issues,’ we mean problems that can arise via the following:


From time to time, we must make changes, amendments, and updates to the Immediate Momentum website. This includes the Terms of Use you are reading now. We reserve the right to make changes, updates, and amendments to the site and all of the content contained within it without the need to give prior notice to our users. Any updates made will become valid from the moment you use the Immediate Momentum website after the update. It is your responsibility to keep up with any changes we might implement.

Privacy Policy and Cookies

In our privacy and cookies section, we shall briefly explain how we use cookies in order to provide a more straightforward user experience for those visiting the Immediate Momentum website and its subsites. We highly suggest you read through this section fully to ensure that you agree with cookies on our sites. You can also read our separate policies for more details.

Put simply, a cookie is a small data file delivered by a website’s server and saved on a web browser or hard disk. Cookies are helpful because they allow a website to recognise a user’s device. They may be used in various ways, including for customising a website, assisting you with navigation, enhancing your online experience, and preserving your preferences and login information.

Here is a straightforward breakdown of the cookies we use on Immediate Momentum, how they work, the role they fulfil in the successful running of the site, and most importantly, why we use them.

Permanent Cookies

First up is permanent cookies. Also known as essential cookies, this is a form of an online cookie that is used to collect essential data such as login data and anti-fraud content. Immediate Momentum uses permanent/essential cookies for the following reasons:

Third-Party Cookies

Also known as temporary cookies, this type originates from websites not owned or operated by Immediate Momentum. Their primary role is to keep track of site users between different websites to show them content, ads, and information that is relevant to their needs and interests. From time to time, Immediate Momentum may implement third-party/temporary cookies for reasons such as:

Google Analytics

And last but not least are the cookies that come with Google Analytics. The GA program allows the Immediate Momentum website to see what our site visitors enjoy, what they dislike, and what they wish to see more of. It also allows us to keep up to speed with the performance of our website. Overall, we use Google Analytics for the following reasons:

It is worth noting that Immediate Momentum has an essential agreement with Google, which ensures Google cannot view or use any of the data collected with the cookies used in Google Analytics.

Overall, like countless other websites around the world, Immediate Momentum relies heavily on cookies to ensure its users have an essentially flawless experience when using the website. However, it is understandable that cookies are not in every user’s interest, and many people do not wish to use them, regardless of the numerous benefits they offer.

If you wish to opt out of using cookies and not receive their benefits in return, you can disable them entirely by heading to your browser’s settings and disabling cookies. However, it is worth bearing in mind that without cookies, your site experience may be affected drastically, and some essential services may be entirely inaccessible.

Prohibited Activity

Whenever you use the Immediate Momentum website, you provide your consent to use it as the site was intended. This means that you agree not to use the website for illicit behaviour. By the latter, we are discussing things such as using the Immediate Momentum website to transfer, download, post, or send data, text, images, or any other material that can be considered to be illegal or an infringement on the rights of others including but not limited to protected copyrights, safety freedoms or other similar privileges. The same applies to any content deemed unsafe, hostile, disparaging, derogatory, intolerant, or containing online viruses or other illicit programs designed to harm and destabilise the structural integrity of Immediate Momentum or third-party sites.

In addition, by using the Immediate Momentum website, you fully agree not to use it via any connection point other than the official website, obstruct other users’ ability to access and use the site, use automated software or other mechanised programs to access the site and attempt to modify it for illicit means.

If a user violates the Terms hereby stipulated or breaks any laws while using Immediate Momentum, we reserve our right to take appropriate measures and report potential crimes to the authorities.

Questions and Comments

It is only natural that questions come up from time to time, as does the need to make valid comments and remarks on running a site like Immediate Momentum. If you wish to address a question or make a remark to us, you can reach out to a friendly member of our partners’ teams through the contact page of Immediate Momentum, and a representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Remember that during periods of high traffic, their responses may be delayed.